Gerti Schön
Microdosing facilitator (USA)
Licensed Psychotherapist (USA)
Dream explorer
Forest Therapy Guide
Certified Psychedelic Integration Therapist
Mushroom Whisperer
Course instructor on Insight Timer
Credit: Linus De Lind
I have been a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in NY and NJ for over 20 years, specializing in anxiety, depression, relationship issues, nature connection and spiritual development. I now live and work in Germany, but am still licensed in the US.
I worked with Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy at the Woodstock Therapy Center, and am certified in Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration by Fluence Training.
For many years I´ve been focusing on deepening my intuition and my connection to the more than human world. In that, I received guidance and support from my mentors Jon Young & Sarah Fontaine, Perdita Finn and Eliot Cowan.
Over the years I´ve written three books: a guide book about Self Empowerment, an analysis about failed relationships between spiritual teachers and their students, and a self help book about depression and anxiety.